De Wallen is the largest yet best known red light district area in Amsterdam, and the world. It’s a major tourist attraction that’s located in the heart of oldest parts of Amsterdam city. The area covers multiple blocks around the Oude Kerk and crosses several canals. De Wallen, together with the prostitution areas Singelgebied and Ruysdaelkade is locally known as “Rosse Buurt” and worldwide known as “Red Light District”.
De Wallen is a network of narrow streets containing approximately 300 one-room cabins rented by prostitutes who offer their services behind a glass door with red lights. In between the prostitutes there’s a number of sex shops, sex theaters, peep shows, bars and coffee shops selling marijuana. Though besides the sex industry which is most present in this area, there’s several other things to do. For example visiting the Sex museum (about $5 entrance fee) or the The Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum (about $15 entrance fee) which are both located in the heart of red light district. They show interesting sights on the history of sex and soft drugs.
The area also offers narrow streets near canals, with plenty of small cozy cafe’s, bars and restaurants. It’s recommended to stay in for a drink, the average price per beer is about $3,50 depending on the exact location and bar you’re in. In any of the coffee shops, were smoking marijuana is legal you may not smoke regular cigarettes or purchase alcohol.
In the recent years, the Dutch government has tried to change the reputation of de Wallen worldwide by making it safe, like more police surveillance and opening “regular establishments” such as shoe shops, office buildings and bakery shops in between the red lights of the prostitutes.