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Osaka (大阪市) is Japanese city situated at the mouth of the Yodo River on the Osaka Bay. Osaka is also referred to as “nation’s kitchen” as well “Mecca of gourmet food”. It’s designated city under the Local Autonomy Law and the capital of Osaka Prefecture. In the history, Osaka was the commercial capital of Japan. As of latest measurement the city has a population of 3,7 million people.

When arriving in Osaka, through the Kensai International Airport you should understand the city of Osaka is the complete opposite of Japan’s capital Tokyo. Its a much commercial centric city, also please mind to stand on the right at the escalators instead of left in Tokyo. Also you’re recommended to try to eastern Japanese cuisine when looking for a restaurant to have lunch or dinner. The more you navigate downtown Osaka the more you discover and learn about the city’s history, culture and sightseeing.

The city is known to be friendly and easy going, perhaps Osaka owes most visitors to the city because of its vibrant nightlife and the excellent shopping facilities. The variety of the restaurants is considered best throughout the country. A trip to Osaka is easily combined with nearby areas of Kyoto and Kobe. Kobe for example is a international city with a Chinatown and ethnic restaurants which is defiantly worth a view, while Tokyo is an ancient capital full of historical sightseeing.

Visitors to Osaka need a valid passport and visa. European and American citizens will receive a 90 days visa upon arrival. Generally seen the city is safe for tourists, regular travel rules apply so have a close look after your belongings. The best period to visit Osaka is in the summer months from June till August.

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